Morris Jig Source Files

xcard2X.htm The wrapper HTML page

jigH.wrl The main file that invokes dancer.wrl, musician.wrl and ground.wrl as inline files

dancer.wrl containing the principal figure and the animation data.

musician.wrl [It contains a supernumery LOD node that was never followed up with other levels of detail]


dancer.wrl and musician.wrl each call mmproto.wrl as an EXTERNPROTO

mmproto.wrl contains the PROTO MorrisMan that, in turn, calls Humanoid etc.

PipeAndTabor.wrl used by musician.
The music, "Lumps of plum pudding", was typed into Lime, played and recorded by Audicity and exported as an mp3 file

baldricks.png texture representing a white shirt with baldricks in the colours of the Wadard Morris Men

cobbles.jpg covers the ground. An uncomfortable surface for a morris man to dance on, but all I could find quickly at the time.

tabor.png the covering texture for the tabor

Page last modified: 9th August 2019